A Beginner’s Guide to Wholesaling Real Estate in Texas

Perhaps you may believe that investing in real estate is a simple and easy task. But, that’s not the exact truth. As a new investor, you might often be anxious about the amount involved in the process of buying and selling a property.

However, if you want to learn about the alternatives to make a great deal. Then wholesaling real estate in Texas is the ideal way. It will help you understand the market and enhance the negotiation skills required for making all kinds of real estate deals.

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

Real estate wholesaling is an investment strategy in which an investor finds out a discounted or distressed property, gets into a contract with a property seller, and then sells it to a new buyer for a profit. 

Wholesaling houses has become the latest and quickest way to turn a profit. Most often, the wholesalers do not purchase the property. They actually enter into a wholesaling contract with the property seller. This contract gives them the right to purchase real estate at a set price. Instead of purchasing the property, they sell their rights to buy it to the end buyer.

Learning the process to start real estate wholesaling involves looking into the process closely. So here are a few essential steps that will help you understand how to start wholesaling houses.

Steps to Start Wholesaling Real Estate

Research your Local Market Thoroughly

The best way to start wholesaling real estate in Texas is by getting familiar with the process. Prepare yourself for the investment process by conducting proper research of your local market. 

Look for the market prices of the properties, different neighborhoods, and find out different properties available in your locality.

Therefore, build a strong foundation for your future investments in real estate wholesaling by doing thorough research of your local market.

Build a Buyer’s List

Remember, it’s always better to build a buyer’s list before starting to look for your first wholesale deal. As a wholesaler, your primary role is to act as a middleman between the property sellers and the buyers. 

Thus, you should know the places or ways to find buyers before securing a property under contract. You can build a buyer’s list in several ways such as email marketing, social media platforms, networking, attending real estate events, or sometimes relying on bandit signs.

Secure your Financing

One of the top benefits of real estate wholesaling is that it involves very little investment. That’s why many wholesalers take the financing part very lightly. But, it’s crucial to understand that the step to secure your financing should be taken way before finding your first wholesale deal.

Identifying a great property deal is of no help if you fail to purchase the wholesale contract. So, get started by aligning your services with a private or hard money lender. It will help you to secure your financing quickly and smoothly on finding out your first deal.

Determine your Wholesaling Strategy

As a real estate wholesaler, you can make two ways to profit from a property deal. One is by selling a contract and the other one is by executing a double closing. If you consider selling a contract to profit from the wholesaling process. Then you need to simply match up sellers and buyers. You’ll not have to own the property if you opt for this process.

However, if you opt for executing a double closing, then you’ll actually need to take possession of the property. This means that you’ll be responsible for all the closing costs. If you find a potential buyer, willing to pay a lot more for the property. Then you can undoubtedly opt for this wholesaling process.


As a newbie investor, wholesaling real estate in Texas is an ideal way to earn profitable income as well as build a good network in the real estate industry. However, always make sure to take out some time, research, and learn the process thoroughly before starting to make wholesale transactions. 

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