How Does Outsourced Bookkeeping Work?

In the quest for a proficient chronicler for your enterprise, the pursuit can be nuanced. The challenge lies in discovering an individual of reliability, competence within your industry, and adept at their craft. Our proposition veers towards engaging an outsourced scribe. But what is the modus operandi of outsourced bookkeeping, and how does one discern a commendable chronicle service? Allow us to elucidate.

Facilitate Read-only Access to Your Fiscal Particulars

Primarily, it is imperative to confer read-only privileges to an outsourced bookkeeper for your financial dossier. While this might initially instil trepidation, it is the sole means for the bookkeeper to navigate through your financial records. Most accounting platforms seamlessly facilitate additional user inclusion without endowing full permissions. If you operate in the cloud, integrating the bookkeeper into your Quickbooks Online or Xero can be effortlessly accomplished through the Manage Users or analogous section. Opt for the desired access level, commonly designated as “accountant.” Following the addition of their credentials, they receive a confirmation email, culminating in the seamless integration.

For desktop applications, the procedure is marginally more intricate. You must either dispatch a backup/portable file of your financial data to the bookkeeper or institute remote access to your computer.

Concurrently, it is pivotal to extend access to your banking and credit institutions. National and regional banks often facilitate the addition of a read-only user to your account, ensuring that the bookkeeper can peruse monthly statements and review check images sans access to your financial assets. This pivotal step empowers the bookkeeper to fulfil their responsibilities without necessitating constant consultation with you for each interaction with your bank.

Access to additional essential documents and applications is contingent upon your business’s unique modus operandi. Be prepared to virtually share documents such as payroll reports, prior-year tax documents, receipts, and access to financial platforms like Shopify, PayPal, Stripe, etc.

Transition From Tangible to Digital

In cases where processes remain rooted in the tangible realm, the remote bookkeeper will advocate digitization. This encompasses digitising paper invoices, receipts, and expense tracking, leveraging tools and applications tailored to each. This transition to a digital framework not only optimises operational efficiency but also furnishes a digital paper trail for every facet of your business.

Establish Mutual Expectations

Each enterprise possesses its idiosyncrasies, necessitating varied levels of attention. Aligning on the frequency of the bookkeeper’s engagement, be it daily, weekly, or monthly, becomes paramount. Clearly defining the information to be presented at the end of each month and the preferred communication frequency sets the groundwork for a successful partnership. Initiating a kickoff call with the bookkeeper serves as an effective means to establish mutual expectations.

Articulate the Procedural Framework

During the onboarding phase, the bookkeeper may seek clarification on expense categorization. Establishing a concrete process for communication and question resolution proves instrumental in streamlining operations. Utilising tools such as Google Docs, reports, or specialised expense software ensures seamless communication and oversight, even in a remote working arrangement.

Foster Open Communication

The linchpin of any successful bookkeeper-client relationship lies in effective communication, irrespective of proximity. Identifying the preferred communication mode—be it email, weekly phone calls, video conferences, or text messages—facilitates swift and efficient collaboration. Addressing issues proactively and revisiting expectations periodically ensures alignment between both parties.

Outsourced bookkeeping, often perceived as an insurmountable solution, reveals itself as a straightforward avenue. Engaging top-tier bookkeepers with industry expertise, availing reasonable hourly rates, and paying only for utilised time underscores the accessibility and efficiency of this approach.

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