Introduction to Game Development with Unity

Quick and simple video guide to get you up and running with Unity game development
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  • Download and install Unity
  • use the Unity project interface
  • Open and close Unity projects and scenes
  • Manipulating the scene
  • understand Object control panel
  • Adding 2d and 3d game objects
  • Using Lightings
  • working with cameras
  • object colors and materials
  • what to do next


  • have a windows computer, or macintosh OS, or Linux


This course is that the quickest thanks to get into creating games. we’ll be victimization the Unity engine as a result of it’s powerful and free.

We’ll begin learning a way to transfer and install Unity on your computer. Then we will get at home with the user interface.

We will then re-examine building levels by adding 3d objects of all shapes, similar to spheres, cubes and cylinders.

Then we’ll go over the various lighting effects and cameras to form the sport look fantastic.

Finally, we’ll go over physics and materials to own the game behave like within the real world

Enough said, let’s get started.

Important: This course is a component of a the world’s one and one series on Unity skilled multiplayer games.

Who this course is for:

  • tech students
  • art students
  • cool kids
  • seasoned engineers who wish to form games for fun or for profit
Introduction to Game Development with Unity
Introduction to Game Development with Unity
Course Unity
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