Write For Us
We would love to publish fresh article for readers when people write for us! If you are a good writer or looking for a guest post site or contribute your article for a backlink or gaining your traffic with indexing your content on search engine then this is for you.
Find new topics to add value to our website and write content that’s awesome for readers which is absolute plagiarism free artiles. You need to follow our guidelines and write for us content that’s easy to understand, and yet it should be rich in information.
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Niche That We Are Accepting to Write for Us?
FinanceTechnologyE-CommerceGadgets & DevicesBusinessLifestyleReviewsHow-ToTours & TravelDigital MarketingHealth & WellnessHome Décor & Commercial ServicesFashion & BeautySports & GamesFood & RestaurantReal EstateNews & UpdatesPet’s CareVideo DesignCassino&GramblingDrugs&WeaponSmoke/Tobaccos&AlcoholCBD&VapingAdults&SexualHarassments&Violation
Write For Us Note
- Content should be 100% unique. No AI Generated & No Plagiarised (Use Copyleaks for AI checking & Small SEO tool for plagiarism checking).
- 800 to 2000W SEO optimized content with copyright-free image.
- Title: 50char
- Description: 150char
- 1 Backlinks(Anchor/Hyperlink 800+ words)
- 2 Backlinks(Anchor/Hyperlink 1500+ words)
- Feature Image(Dimensions: 1200 X 500px Minimum & Size: Optimized (pixabay, unsplash, pexels, adobe accepted))
- 1 Tags(small case)
- Author Bio at Footer(Update it from the Profile)
- We have right for edit the original content if we need any changes.
- The post will be deleted at any time if we found any violations with it or multiple publications.
- Adult, Abusive & Illegal content are not accepted.
- The article will be live as per the plan. If there is a server problem we are unable to retrieve or an external link 404 or 301 is detected, we will remove the article/link.
- Your article will be publish within 1 to 3 business days.
- If we found plagiarized submission, We’ll remove your content without notify and you may lost your your account.
- We will keep your content for one year or for life, if your content expires before due to server failure or due to Google policy then you will be given a temporary settlement. As such your content will be added to any of our other websites (same for all website submissions).
Should I Share My Topic With You?
Yes, You can share your topic that you’re created or write for us.
Are you happy to see your article live on our site? Then reach us at email us and send us your topics only or queries. Our team will review your article and get back to you to request revisions/modifications if required. If you manage to impress our editors, your post will be published absolutely.
How to Submit?
Fill the signup form and submit. After that check your email account for an activation email by name of COURSE UNITY(Check SPAM/UPDATES/PROMOTIONS/FORUMS Box).
Wait for further information after content submission process. If there is no problem then you will be emailed your content publish information. If we find any problem with your content or AI generated content, we will remove it without sending you an email regarding this.
After account activation, Submit your article by this link or by visiting Dashboard: Submit Your Article Here.
In case require any inquiry or issue : author.courseunity[@]gmail.com.