JSP, MySql, JDBC, Servlet for Beginners with Web Projects


Advance Concepts of Java: JSP, MySql, JDBC, Servlet socket programming for Beginners with Web App Project Development
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  • Socket Programming: Client server communication from Scratch
  • Learn how to connect Java with MySql server using JDBC with live Projects
  • JSP Application design using Tomcat server with live Projects
  • Servlet API development with live Projects
  • Struts-1, Struts-2 and Enterprise Java Beans based live Projects


  • Not as such, as this course is designed in such a way that even a beginner would enjoy this course. But It is good if you know the basics of Java Programming.


Course Outcomes:

  1. Learn how to connect Java with MySQL using JDBC with Project development
  2. Socket Programming: Client server communication from Scratch
  3. JSP Application design using Tomcat server with Projects development
  4. Servlet API development with Projects development
  5. Struts-1, Struts-2 and Enterprise Java Beans web project development

Course Description:

This course is all about, Advance concepts of Java Programming. The course is divided into 5 parts [Units].


JDBC [Java Database connectivity]:

Concept of JDBC and MySql Server, Install MySql Server, Start/stop MySql server and Database operations, Create JDBC and MySql Java Project: Project creation and add MySql connector in Project Build Path


Java Networking:

Exploring java net package, Networking basics: Sockets, Client Server, Reserved Sockets, Internet addressing, TCP sockets, UDP sockets, Creating a server that sends data, Creating a client that receives data, Two way communication between server and client



Introduction to JSP, JSP processing, JSP Application design, Tomcat server, Implicit JSP objects, Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods, Error Handling and debugging, Sharing data between JSP pages, Sharing session a4end application data



Introduction to servlet, Servlet life cycle, JSDK, Advantage over CGI, J2EE Servlet Specification, Servlet API, Servlet Implementation: Servlet API, HttpServlet, Servlet, Http request & response, Deployment Descriptor, Sessions in servlet and how to track them, Servlet Projects


Struts and EJB (Enterprise Java Beans):

Struts based web application design, Enterprise Java Beans, Benefits, EJB Architecture, EJB Roles, Types of EJB, Building small session bean Application, Home Interface, remote Interface, Session Bean: Stateless Session Bean and Stateful Session Bean, EJB based web application design

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Advance Java Programming which includes Socket Programming, JDBC, JSP, Servlet, EJB and Struts
  • This course would help you to implement advance concepts of java in order to create web app projects
  • Each and Every Part of this course would enforce you to do projects along the way
JSP, MySql, JDBC, Servlet for Beginners with Web Projects
JSP, MySql, JDBC, Servlet for Beginners with Web Projects
Course Unity
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