Mental Health for Coping with Stress & Anxiety (Coronavirus)

Growth Mindset, Psychology & Mental Health to Find Opportunity in the Crisis & Cope with Fear, Worry, Anxiety & Stress
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  • How to cope with stress, anxiety and isolation during Covid-19 quarantine
  • A growth mindset to see the opportunity in this crisis
  • Strategies for learning, growing and achieving goals and make the most out of this time
  • Strategies for coping with boredom using healthy distractions and being productive
  • How to avoid negative, fearful thinking, worry and anxiety
  • The psychology of mental health during isolation from Covid-19


  • Ability to print worksheet material


Growth attitude for Coronavirus: the scientific discipline of mental state to search out chance within the Crisis and alter the strain and Anxiety of Quarantine and Social Distancing

The goal of this course is to assist you maintain mental health and psychological well-being during isolation, quarantine, stress and anxiety because of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), yet as keep use of it slow at home, as well as doing things that assist you learn, grow, and thrive.

When home-bound and isolated throughout Coronavirus quarantine and social distancing, it may be simple to:

  • Become weak with worry and fear
  • Feel helpless due to unquiet life changes outside of your control
  • Fill your free time with meaningless, mindless distractions
  • Have your mental health and physical health deteriorate

But, it does not ought to be this way! Not solely can you thrive through this Covid-19 expertise by learning the way to feel good, or a minimum of better, regardless of what’s occurring around you (mental health), you’ll be able to conjointly see this as an opportunity: an unintended sabbatical (growth mindset).

In the past six years we’ve spent virtually a year home-bound because of a chronic ill health – double – so we recognize first-hand what it’s prefer to alter the stress, fear, anxiety and disruption of being quarantined. additional importantly, we have learned how to thrive through it, rather than obtaining dragged down by restlessness, despair and grief.

In fact, our biggest challenges in life clad to be life’s greatest blessing.

The growth we toughened and also the lessons we learned, each in person and with our business, have fully reworked our lives.

In those moments after we felt like we had no management over our circumstances, we reminded ourselves that we will control:

  • What we focus on
  • How we feel
  • How we react

You see, for over a decade we’ve been teaching and training about:

  • The scientific discipline of the mind
  • mental state for anxiety & stress
  • the way to develop a growth mindset

So, we had an opportunity to observe what we tend to preach in a {very} very real way.

We wish to share with you everything we learned the arduous way about how to develop positive mental health, keep optimistic and not drift in a downward spiral of worry, concern and anxiety.

We want to share with you how make the foremost out of isolation and limitation due to Covid-19 by clasp a growth attitude and victimization it slow to try and do things that feed you and assist you grow.

We want to share with you the precise ways we wont to initiate on the opposite facet of limitation, disruption and isolation stronger and happier and additional centered than ever before.

We wish to assist you create a vision for your future and a growth attitude therefore you’re feeling sceptred as you journey into the unknown.

When we tend to found ourselves home-bound we were unable to:

  • Work outside of the home
  • Visit with family and friends
  • Do any of the items we like to do

    We created a DECISION to verify our quarantine as a sabbatical—an chance to grow.

And we welcome you to hitch us on this quest to form the simplest out of this situation.

In this course, you will:

  • Develop a growth mindset and establish areas within which you can learn and grow
  • Explore ways that you can learn something from home, in your pajamas
  • Learn ways for coping with boredom
  • Making sensible use of it slow ANd see this as an opportunity
  • Determine healthy distractions and avoiding unhealthy time-wasting distractions
  • Create a vision for your life and find purpose in this experience
  • Set pregnant goals, complete with a ta-da list and an unjust strategy
  • Learn the psychology of positive mental health
  • Learn sensible tools for coping with stress and anxiety
  • Explore ways that to urge your social needs met throughout social distancing
  • Learn however to minimize worry and fearful thinking
  • Know how to find hope, and feeling better—even happy—through it all

So, who are we?

We are Joeel & Natalie muralist of Transformation Academy. we’ve worked with many thousands of helpers, lightworkers, coaches and transformation junkies from two hundred countries, empowering folks to remodel their lives through education and entrepreneurship. Like several of our colleagues and clients, we tend to acknowledge we’ve been getting ready for this all our lives. It’s time to try and do what we do best—be the sunshine that shows others the way. And that’s why we’re giving this course—and creating it free.

Who this course is for:

  • People who wish to search out the chance in crisis and create the foremost of it
  • People who want to develop a growth attitude and positive mental health
  • Anyone experiencing quarantine and social distancing due to Covid-19 Coronavirus
  • Anyone who desires to find out the scientific discipline of stress management and anxiey management
  • Anyone who must alter fear, worry, anxiety and stress
  • Anyone who wants to be productive, learn, grow and thrive through this difficult time
Mental Health for Coping with Stress & Anxiety (Coronavirus)
Mental Health for Coping with Stress & Anxiety (Coronavirus)
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